Choucroute Dinner

by Virginia
(Sarasota, Florida)


I am planning a choucroute dinner paired with Alsatian wines. I am having trouble planning the appetizer course. I am trying to find something that is authentic but not too heavy, since the rest of the menu courses will be the choucroute, then cheeses, and then fruit tart.

I would do a salad, but it is hard to pair wine with vinegrette. Any suggestions?

Is choucroute ever made for a dinner party in Alsace?



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Alsatian Choucroute
by: Suzele

Hi Virginia,

Choucroute is a traditional dish in Alsace, so we all eat it a lot mostly in the winter.

It's not really a dinner party sort of thing over here, more a family dinner maybe. People often get together to eat it because it's a lot of food. And it takes awhile to make.

I know a number of people who even ferment their own cabbage.

For an appetizer, I would do carrot salad or cucumber salad. or both but separate. And viniagrette is the standard dressing in France.

I don't know which wines you have but Alsace wines usually pair well with most everything we eat.

You should have an Alsace Riesling at least. I wouldn't use a US Riesling unless it was very very dry.

You could do a Rielsing or a Pinot Blanc with the salad. I can't comment too much on the US ones as I have only tried maybe 50 or so, but I've tasted hundreds of each of the Alsace varieties.

And remember to serve an aperitif with some salty things when people arrive if you want to do it as we do in Alsace : )

Hope it goes well!
I would love to see the photos too!

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