Researching great grandfather

by Tereysa Alkar

My great grandfather immigrated from France between 1875 or 1878. These are the two dates I’ve found. I can not track any other info on him, no parents or sibling, not even the ship he came to America on. His surname is Leglend and I’ve been told in France it is Le Glent. Any ideas on where in France this surname is or was common?
Thanks in advance

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by: Suzele

Hi Tereysa,

It's not something I've seen in Alsace, but a quick google search shows people named Legland in Brittany and Calais.

Legand and Leguen had a ton of people in Brittany, so maybe start looking over that way.

That's the opposite side of France from Alsace, so I can't help you much with details about it ; )

Happy digging!

by: Tereysa

Thank you so much, I will definitely look in that direction.

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