My Ancestor Jean Jacque Walcker from Lorraine France

My Great-great grandfather was Jean Jacque Walcker (born in Glasenberg in 1785 and died in Lambach in 1865) Do you have any information about his ancestors or how prominent the Walcker family was in the area?

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Some great news and some less great news about your Lorraine ancestor
by: Suzele

Hi there,

Wish I knew who I am talking to, but let's get on to the helpful info I have for you.

The good news is that you know exactly where your Walcker ancestor was born (Glasenberg, Lorraine France).

With a bit of digging, you can find the exact date in 1785. It's not likely there are so many births in a smaller town or village.

Lambach isn't too far away so you should be able to find his death certificate too.

BUT, you may have an easier time finding his death certificate than his birth certificate in Lorraine.

Jean Jacques was born in 1785 before there were official state records in France (or Lorraine).

So if they exist, they are church records.

In the areas of Alsace nearby, there was a heavy Protestant influence, but Lorraine was not Alsace. And less tolerant of Protestants.

So I would bet on the Catholic records in Lorraine.

You never know (and it could make for a really interesting story if you ever find out).

If for some reason you don't find Catholic birth records for your Lorraine ancestor, I would look for the nearest Protestant village or town and check their church records.

The death records should be much easier to find. They will be official French records.

If you manage to find the birth certificate for your 3X grandfather in Lorraine, you might need some help.

They will probably be really hard to read.

I do not understand why priests had such bad handwriting back then! And it will be in Latin if he was Catholic.

If he was Protestant, it could be in French or German (just depends on the preacher and what he was more comfortable with writing).

I wish you tons of luck in your family tree research!

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