Finding my Jewish ancestors


My family's name is Moyse and it is pronounced MOEEz. I know my 5 great grandparents names were Isadore and Rosalie. The came from Portigny, Alsace Lorraine. Thank you

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More info?
by: Suzele

Hi whoever you are,

That is the name for Moses.
Not a big surprise there because most Jewish families took family members' first names as their last name when France required everyone to have a permanent last name after the French Revolution.

I recommend that you give the names of your Alsace ancestors to see if anyone has found them.

If you have the full names of your ancestors, you should be able to find what you are looking for because you have the village name as well.

Just need to go look for it!

Happy hunting,

The amazing fun of looking for Jewish ancestry
by: Jeanne Marie

Ashkenazi ancestors are of a more challenging endeavor. I have been working in Dzuny, Krotoschin, Posen records, 1700's. I was reading an online early 1800's Alsace newspaper. The man I was chasing in Zduny had married a Jewish woman from Vienna. They had a son, then the wife and son died. At some point they were in Warsaw. He was a merchandise dealer. He later shows up in Alsace. Now, this was fun! The man's name is Viebig/Fiebig.

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