Birth and marriage record from Colmar in Alsace

by Eugenie
(San Antonio, Florida, USA)

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a birth record on Josephine Solomon born around 1803 to 1810. She married Charles Emmanuel Barizian Monrose. I'm also looking for a marriage certificate from around 1828. They came to New Orleans Louisiana. sometime after they were married. They are my great, great grandparents. She is the only one I cannot find any information on.

Thanks for your help,

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Very Important Information that Will Help Your Research
by: Suzele

Hi Eugenie,

The information that you have here is great. Full names, dates (or at least an idea of the date). Fantastic, but there is one really big piece of information missing that is super helpful when doing genealogy research here in Alsace (or anywhere in France).

The name of the village or town (or at least some clue to narrow down the list of possible villages and towns).

Without this info, you will spend not hours but probably months and years looking.

I know you probably don't have this info. It happens every day, someone with a relative and no family town or village to go with it.

I wish there was something anyone could do, but this is one of those hard to fix situations (other than just digging into every single village and town genealogy records for the years in question).

So my next question is what else would you really love to know about your Alsace ancestors?

Are you sure they are Alsatian?

If you'd love to know more about your family's every day life in Alsace, their customs, traditions, beliefs and other background details that could help you "get to know" them a little better, this is something I can help with.

It's kinda my favorite subject.

I'd love to hear about what you'd love to know about your ancestors!

Happy researching,

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