Where Can I Find Bredele Receipes?

by Claire
(Oceanside, California USA)

Pouvez-vous recommender un livre de recettes de petits gateaux alsaciens en francais ou en anglais qui soit facile a trouver? Ce serait plus pratiques si les mesures etaient en cups et spoons.

Can you recommend a good cookbook with receipes for alsatian christmas cookies (bredele) in french or english and easy to find? It would be more practical if the units of measure were in cups and spoons.

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by: Doris

We just visited the Alsace countryside and I tried to find an English translation cookbook of their Christmas cookies. All the cookbooks I found were written in French. Could you help me?

I am really trying to find a whole cookbooks for Alsace Christmas cookies.

Thank you.

Alsatian Cookbooks
by: Suzele

Hi Claire,

Unfortunately I have only seen Alsatian cookbooks (for Bredele also known as Alsatian Christmas Cookies or anything else) in French with French cooking measurements.

If you understand French, the only other thing you will need is a scale for measuring in grams and a large and small spoon (normally used at the table for eating).

You may find some small Alsace cookbooks in English while visiting Alsace in the occasional shop, but you won't find anything dedicated to Alsatian Christmas cookies or Bredele.

I'll consider doing a Bredele cookbook in English with American cooking measurements if there is enough interest...so let me know!

Happy Holidays,

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