Getting a job in France

by Mihai Cretu
(Lasi Romania)


Is it hard to get a job (any kind) as an English speaking foreigner in Alsace?

Please let me know.


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Finding a Job in France (Alsace too : )
by: Suzele

Finding a job in France is not easy if you don't speak French.

It's not incredibly easy if you do speak French, but it's quite hard without French.

France has a relatively high level of unemployment.

If you have special training or advanced degrees in certain subjects that are likely to attract international companies, you have a better chance of finding an English speaking job in France.

Of course you can find a bad or low paying job in France quite easily, but they often require you to speak a minimum of French.

Jobs as a cleaning woman, in a store or working at a low level at a factory usually as a temporary worker are easier to get, but the pay will not allow you to have more than a basic existence.

In any case, living anywhere in France and not being able to communicate with people is a really unpleasant experience.

You'll spend at least a few years struggling with all sorts of situations that require French (like renting an apartment, registering at the city hall, setting up electricity/internet/telephone providers, etc).

I'm not sure if it has changed. About 10 years ago, you had to pass a basic spoken French test to get your resident's card.

Hope it helps,

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